
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today we went for her MRSI. She was pretty cranky before going in. She was NPO after midnight and the procedure was not until 10:45 even though she had been awake since 7am. 
They ended up having to use contrast however she did very well. She was very dopey afterwards and not able to move around or drink on her own.

Too sleepy to open our eyes
She stayed really sleepy all day and got very cranky and cuddly.  Early to bed!

Friday, June 1, 2012


After our followup with FTT clinic today she has put on weight. She weighed in at 16.5lbs! Since the end of April she has been throwing up randomly and with no reason. Usually in the evenings or while sleeping. Our MRSI has been bumped to priority status and will be happening on June 12/12. We are waiting on referrals to Metabolics and Endocrinology at this point.